JFK Jr. Death: FBI Cover-Up?

Just ahead of the 25th anniversary of John F. Kennedy Jr.'s death, on July 8, 2024, the cover of The National Examiner read: "JFK JR. CRASH MYSTERY SOLVED! Why he and wife Carolyn didn't have to DIE!"

Within the pages of the famous tabloid magazine, the article read, “EXPLOSIVE NEW DETAILS ON THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY REVEAL AN FBI COVER-UP”.
Online retailers were quick to re-sell the issue, which is now sold out. It has been long suggest that another similar tabloid magazine, The National Enquirer contributed to electing Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. 

In May of 2016, one edition of The National Enquirer read, “TED CRUZ FATHER LINKED TO JFK ASSASSINATION! Top U.S. Spy Exposes Presidential Race Bombshell: The BLOOD MONEY, The MISSION & The COVER-UP!”

The twenty-fifth anniversary of John F. Kennedy Jr.’s proposed July 16, 1999 death falls smack dab in the middle of the historic Republican National Committee Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The RNC is expected to be a shining moment in the midst of a turbulent time, as Donald J. Trump’s Vice Presidential pick is expected to be announced that week.

And what an anniversary; July 16, 1999 was also a turbulent date in American history.

Interestingly enough, the July 8, 2024 article regarding the FBI’s cover-up of JFK Jr.’s death there has no author.

It reads: "In a sensational twist that reads like Hollywood thriller, insiders now claim that the tragic 1999 plane crash that clao,ed the life of John F. Kennedy Jr., his wofe, Carolym Bessette, and her sister, Lauren, was no accident."

"In fact, evidence suggests a chilling cover-up orchestrated at the highest levels of the U.S. government."

"For years, authorites blamed pilot error for the July 16, 1999, crash, but recently unearthed documents reveal the FFBI initially treated the incident as a murder investigation!"

"The shocking findings suggest a bomb may have been planted on Kennedy's Piper Saratoga or that the airctraft was taken down by a weapon fired from a boat."

"But shortly after the sinister theories surfaced, the probe was suddenly and mysteriously shut down."

"Wayne Madsen, a former consultant for the National Security Agency, who was hired by the George Magazine editor to seek answers regarding the tragic 1963 assassination of his father in Dallas, says he and his investigative team KNEW the hunky magazine published was the victim of foul play — and his demise was linked to his father’s untimely death.”

“We were all prepared to go down to the offices of George magazine and meet with JFK Jr. to discuss the plan,” says Madsen, who is calling for a new investigation into his death.”

“He wanted to find out who killed his father, and money was really no object … After I heard he died I just got a bad feeling and thought — they GOT him!”

“At the time, I was told the FBI originally treated it as a murder investigation or possible murder, and then the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) moved in and that was the end of that — it became an accident investigation. It would be interesting to find out who issued that order.”

“Kennedy and his wife were hading to a cousin’s wedding on Cape Cod from New Jersey and planned to drop off her sister in Martha’s Vineyard when the plane he was piloting crashed into the ocean while approaching the tiny airport.”

“The FBI was on the hunt for “suspicious individuals” seen lurking around Kennedy’s plane at New Jersey’s Essex County Airport before he took off and even tracked “suspicious boating activity” in the area where the plane made its final approach to Martha’s Vineyard Airport.”

“But before the FBI could complete its probe, it was mysteriously halted, sources say.”

“Five days after the tragic crash that shocked the nation, the three bodies were recovered, examined that afternoon and swiftly cremated just hours after recovery, raising more questions than answers.”

“The official explanation for the crash was an accident caused by pilot error, according to the NTSB.”

“But Madsen and other sources close to the Kennedy reveal the 38-year-old scion was determined to find his father’s killers and had recently obtained a cache of top secret files.”

“Madsen recalls: “He wanted to hire four or five investigative journalists and hand us all the same packet of information and documents he had recently received and say, ‘Go and use this and anything else you find, and figure out who killed my dad’ — but it never came to that unfortunately.”

“Kennedy believed the government’s probe into his dad’s murder was slipshod and too quickly blamed Lee Harvey Oswald as a lone assassin.”

“He wanted to uncover enough evidence to have his father’s remains exhumed, a friend says.”

“John came to believe that J. Edgar Hoover and his henchman at the FBI would have been the only people who could have gained access to the body and also had a motive to kill and cover up,” says the friend.

“They didn’t approve of the way JFK and his brother Bobby, who was then attorney general, were running the country.”

“Other experts agree there was a cover-up. Some say it involved the Kennedy family so the information wouldn’t paint them or John’s memory in a bad light.”

“After an exhaustive investigation, best-selling author C. David Hermann published “Trials and Tragedy” in 2007 and exposed what he called a “masking of the truth.”

“There’s no question in my mind, having examined papers that were not released to the public, that there was a cover-up,” said Heymann.”

“I don’t know why they sat on this material, but it wouldn’t be the first time that a government agency had committed fraud or withheld information.”